Servis dizayninda gecen Agnostic ve Non-Agnostic kavramlarindan bahsetmek istiyorum:
Agnostik Yunancadan gelen ve bilgisiz ya da bilinmezci anlamina gelir. SOA mimarisine uygulandiginda ise tekrar kullanilabilen ya da kullanilamayan servisleri ayirt etme mantigidir denilebilir. Ornegin business utility leri ile alakali olan utility servis tasarliyorsaniz tam olarak neye hitap edecegi belli olmayan(agnostic) ama baska amaclar icinde kullanilabilecek bir servis tasarliyorsunuz demektir. Farkli olarak Task Servis dizayn ediyorsaniz buyuk ihtimalle o task icin sinirlari tamamen belli olan(non-agnostic) daha sonradan extend etmenize cok musait olmayan tamamen farkli bir tasarim yapacaksiniz demektir.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Agnostik ve Non-Agnostik Mantigi/Kavramlari
Etiketler: Agnostic, Agnostik, Non-Agnostic, Servis Dizayni
Monday, March 14, 2011
SOA Versioning
As the implementation of the SOA project gets bigger, the complications on versioning gets more.
I would not really bother myself with rephrazing what I have recently read.
The following article really gives a brief idea and path to follow:
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
How to remove hyperlinks from multiple cells in Excel?
It is a nightmare that Excel is trying to open a new web page for all the sells that you kust need to see or copy as a plain text!
I found a very simple solution for that and want to share it with you:
What you need to do is simple multiply the cells with 1 that you want to remove the hyperlinks:)
Select an empty cell and type 1, then select all cells that you need to remove hyperlinks, via pressing shift key, then right click and select paste special. There click the option multiply and it is done!
Nice, jaa??
How to keep 2 excel sheets open side by side?
For the project I have been working nowadays, I need to work with Excel frequently.
I need to compare two excel sheets so I need to keep them open side by side. since they are both excel documents, MS tried to save the memory for that and does not allow me to do so, unless you follow these simple steps:
2)Go to the Advanced tab and scroll down to general section to click ignoring other applications.
That is all!!!